"So glad I got the opportunity to be part of this amazing cast! When I auditioned for the part I had no idea how things were gonna unfold. Many months later, I got the news that I booked the part and I literally danced around my living room. I was over the moon, but I was also racing against the clock. I soon learned that the tumor had grown and it was pushing against my vocal chords, and windpipe. I was I a lot of pain, but if I still had a song, I would sing it. For me it was all so bitter sweet. I was afraid my voice would never be the same after surgery, but of course it was my only option. The night before surgery I was up until 3 am laying vocal arrangement tracks for the soundtrack and VO tracks for character inspiration behind the 1st, flagship episode "Someday Over You" for the Sci-Fi radio drama series "Uncharted Regions" by Neal Hallford.
Her name was Marlena Mathis, the hauntingly sonorous torch singer! Sci-Fi is my all time fav genre, and music is my life, so I was overjoyed to voice her. Id never done a voice over (myself) so it was super exciting to try something new, and experience the process from the other side of the mic! The day came when the final mix was finished. Still hoarse and recovering, I beamed as I heard my episode play for the 1st time. There she was, Marlena....me, like hearing a voice from the past. Something to strive for....to supersede. Soon I can begin recording again. Every day is better. The muscles are getting stronger, I'm almost there. Friends, I'm super excited to share this project with you all!"
Please enjoy this special airing of "Someday Over You" on KPBS. http://www.kpbs.org/news/2017/sep/21/podcast-episode-126-horrible-imaginings-and-unchar/